Becoming a Six-Figure Health Coach (ft. Megan Lyons)


Jess:                      Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Digital Lounge. I’m excited because today we have my friend Megan, we’re going to talk about her and her journey as a health coach. Welcome Megan.

Megan:                Thank you for having me, I’m excited to be here.

Jess:                      Yeah, so to kick us off, I’d love for you to just introduce yourself and tell us about your business.

Megan:                Sure, so I own The Lyons’ Share Wellness, which is located here in Dallas, Texas, but serving people all across the country and the world. I do primarily one to one nutrition consulting, so this is for people who want to increase their energy, improve athletic performance, know that they, quote, should be eating more healthily but don’t know where to start. All kinds of different goals. I really, really love doing that. I’ve been in business for about five and a half, coming on six years. I do some corporate speakings and a little bit of everything on the side, but it’s primarily the one to one consents.

Jess:                      Awesome, so today we’re going to be kind of diving into your journey in building your business and hitting six figures. I’d love to start with how long did it take to get to the six figures and was there any kind of turning point that made you meet that goal or was it just kind of like a gradual, “Okay, and now I have six figures.”

Megan:                Yeah, I guess a little bit of both. It certainly seemed to take forever, but in the context of most startups, it was very quick, so it was the second year in business. The first year, 2014, I did not hit that mark. The second year, 2015, I did hit that mark, if we’re just talking revenue, not profits. Then I’ve continued to hit it and grow since then. I think 2014, the first year in business, was kind of like a slow ramp, a very, very, very slow the first couple months. Then the turning point was really in September, so nine months into the business, when I had just gotten my feet under me, I had done some free speaking, I had had a few clients go through the whole program, and they started to refer people. I was networking a lot. It all of a sudden started to click and I was like, “Okay, this is a legitimate business.”

Megan:                That said, I had also had several checkpoints along the way. I am like planner extraordinaire and so I had budgets, and I had quarterly meetings with my husband, and I had all these kind of things. I’ll never forget that first meeting, I’d prepared a PowerPoint presentation to sit down with him and be like, “Okay, things are going okay. Please let me stay with this.” I had a lot of benchmarks along the way. That said, the nine months in was kind of the inflection point. Since then it’s been growing, but growth has, I guess, has not been as fast that nine month mark.

Jess:                      Awesome and I love, like you said, you were networking, and you were speaking, so it wasn’t just like, “Here’s this one thing that I did,” because I think that’s sometimes what people are looking for.

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      Is this magic pill of, “I posted three times today on Instagram and that’s when it happened,” or whatever, it’s all these kind of small little investments here in different pockets that helps us see progress finally.

Megan:                You are so right. It’s the same as I teach my clients in nutrition. They all look for the one magic pill. Like, “Okay, if I just eat grapefruit before every meal,” or, “If I just eat whatever, everything will be magic.” It doesn’t work that way. My approach is much more about moderation, and doing the little things, and keeping everything in balance, and same thing with business. It’s just about all the little things, they eventually do add up. We hear about those people, those Instagram stars, who are like, “I don’t know what I did and all of a sudden I had five billion followers,” or whatever. For most of us it doesn’t work that way.

Jess:                      Right, it doesn’t. I’m still waiting to hit that billion dollar status on Instagram.

Megan:                Yeah, exactly.

Jess:                      One of these days. You did say earlier that most of your business is really focused on the one to one coaching. Do you have any kind of additional revenue streams that are in your business?

Megan:                Yes, so I make about 10% of my income from speaking. I speak mostly to corporations around here, kind of small businesses in the area, 100 to 500 employees. Then I do some speaking at hospitals and conferences, things like that, that comes out to be about 10% of the business. Then I do some affiliate programs like Amazon, one of my old nutrition schools, et cetera, that only comes out to be about 2% of the business. I sell some products, which comes out to be about 3% of the business. Then I teach fitness, just for fun, and that’s about 2%. Really, all that boils down to somewhere around 85% is the one to one coaching.

Jess:                      Yeah, nice. See, I love this because I’m just like you and most of my business is one to one. I have a few little things here and there, but it’s almost like your story gives me hope that I can hit six figures just by doing one to one, with, you know, these little extra things too.

Megan:                Absolutely. You know, I come at this from multiple perspectives. Perspective one, I got an MBA as a full time business student, and so I know that we should, in quotes, should always makes me nervous to say, but the MBA school would teach you that you should be diversified in terms of your income, and that pay by hour, the one to one coaching, is never a sustainable business model. Then my other side says, “Well that’s what I love.” If I love it and I believe in the value of it to other people and to improving other people’s lives, well then I’m going to make it work. I have done that, and I firmly believe that you can do it, and that every single other person listening can do it. It’s not easy. There’s no sit back for a month on end and all of a sudden my bank account has $50,000 extra in it.

Jess:                      Right?

Megan:                It’s hard work every day, but it’s the work that I want to do. I’m happy about the structure of my business.

Jess:                      Same, same. That’s what I keep saying is like, I don’t want to turn my business into a passive income only kind of business, or a product only business. I love working with people, so even though if I’m trying to optimize things, like my content, to sent more referrals to my affiliates, and that kind of thing, that’s great, but it’s not my focus.

Megan:                Right.

Jess:                      My focus is working with my clients. I’d love to hear what your one to one coaching looks like. Are you doing weekly calls? Is it just checking on email? What’s that structure like?

Megan:                Yeah, so I have three different packages. I would say about 50 to 60% actually come into my office.

Jess:                      Oh nice.

Megan:                In Dallas. Then obviously if they’re in not in Dallas, they have sessions by phone or by Skype. We meet either weekly or every other week, so it’s pretty intensive. We meet for 50 minutes at a time and they have packages ranging from eight sessions to 14 sessions. It’s a two to six month program. What we do during that program, of course we set goals at the beginning, I get all their information, and history, and kind of learn about them, so that I can tailor my suggestions to them. It’s not a one size fits all meal plan, or approach, or anything like that, because I truly believes that works not in nutrition and certainly not in most things in life. Then through the course of the remaining 7 to 13 sessions, we’re just taking small steps every time.

Megan:                I am not the person who is going to say, “Okay, you’re eating McDonald’s three times a day and you’re not working out ever. Well, tomorrow it’s kale smoothies only and you have to spend 60 minutes in the gym.” Right? Some people it works, but that’s not my approach. I’m going to say, “Great, you’re eating McDonald’s three meals a day, well for one meal of the day let’s add a salad at McDonald’s, including your burger, or whatever you’re eating.” Then we’ll gradually, “Maybe next week one meal goes to Chipotle instead of McDonald’s.” We’ll gradually get to what I believe is a healthy diet for the person, but it just is coming in small bite size pieces to make it more sustainable.

Jess:                      You are my kind of health coach. Not that I eat McDonald’s, but I just love the moderation approach.

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      I think it’s really important and it’s sustainable. It’s longterm and it’s not just like, “I’m going to,” like you said, “start drinking kale smoothies tomorrow.”

Megan:                Absolutely.

Jess:                      No thank you.

Megan:                You know what? I believe in not telling anything to my clients that I would not do. Just to be totally honest, I eat chocolate every single day.

Jess:                      Yes.

Megan:                Chocolate is like I adore it, it makes me happy, and so maybe it’s not in the nutrition textbook, but it makes me happy, and I work it into the context of other things. Now, if you could look in my drawers, I also do have kale chips, and a bunch of healthy snacks, and things like that, so it’s not all chocolate every day, but I definitely believe in balance and moderation.

Jess:                      Now this is not business related, but do you have a favorite type of chocolate? I’m a Reese’s fanatic. That’s my favorite way to get chocolate.

Megan:                I love it. My favorite chocolate is the dark chocolate sea salt with actual chunks of that pink Himalayan sea salt. There are lots of companies that do it well. I like Hu Kitchen and Theo, those are probably my two favorites. It’s got to have a little salt to make it my favorite.

Jess:                      Yes, sea salt and chocolate, that’s probably a close second to my favorite.

Megan:                Okay. All right, I like Reese’s too, so we can eat chocolate together.

Jess:                      Okay. I’ll come in for a quote, unquote, meeting, and we’ll just exchange chocolate.

Megan:                I love it. I love it.

Jess:                      Now when you’re working with your clients, when it comes to supplements and stuff, are you making supplement recommendations? If you are, is that things you’re an affiliate for as well?

Megan:                Yes and no. I have tried several programs that I believe in and tried to be like multi level marketing person, and to me, it just feel really inauthentic. I’m not saying that all people doing that are inauthentic, because some people do it really well, but even things that I use on a daily basis. Like I use essential oils, I think they’re great, I use supplements on a daily basis, I think they’re great, but for me selling them, it doesn’t vibe with my personality. Like I mentioned at the beginning, very little of my income is from that. I do have some affiliate relationships with supplement, like one is Juice Plus+, which I take every day. I would say, I’m making it up, but 70% of my clients have no idea that I also sell Juice Plus+.

Jess:                      Oh nice.

Megan:                I certainly do not hawk it or push it on them, but for those that I think it will help, I would suggest that. Same thing with supplements. I really care most about A, helping them become their happiest and healthiest self. B, just feeling authentic and feeling good in what I’m doing. Most of the supplements I promote, I have passed up relationships with them, and I’ll just send them Amazon links. Then I do get the 1% affiliate fee, or whatever, from Amazon, but I just feel like health is such a delicate thing. If they lose trust in me just so that I make an extra $5, it’s not worth it for me. I’d rather keep them on as a long term client and lose the little bit of affiliate marketing. The answer is kind of yes, I do get a little bit of support from some of the supplements, but most of it, I just recommend on Amazon, or they pick it up at Whole Foods. Some clients have no supplements at all. I’m not a supplement pusher, per se.

Jess:                      Right and so that was kind of my next question. Because I know that sometimes when I’ve seen personal trainers online, they’ll have clients who don’t show up for workouts, or who don’t follow their meal plan, whatever, they’re not really following the recommendations. The trainers will kind of let the clients go, because they’re like, “If you’re not going to do the work, I’m not going to like … I’m not going to work with you.”

Megan:                Yeah.

Jess:                      I’d love to hear your thoughts on that. Is that how you operate as well? Not necessarily, “You have to take these supplements,” but like you have to do some of the work? Or are you kind of like, “Well, it’s up to you. I’m just here to help.”

Megan:                Well, everyone has off weeks, that’s for sure.

Jess:                      Right, yeah.

Megan:                If someone has a big deadline at work, or they got in a fight with their partner, or who knows what, they went on vacation and they didn’t reach some of our goals, I’m very forgiving about that. Like we said, it’s about balance and moderation. I don’t make people feel guilty if it’s just a little blip in the radar. It’s no big deal, we just refocus and get right back on track. If I notice a trend, if someone is like go get ’em at the beginning and then they slowly start creeping off and it’s three, four weeks without them really doing anything? Then of course, yes, it’s a serious conversation about if meeting together is actually accomplishing anything. Because frankly, I don’t want to waste my time if I don’t feel like I’m helping someone.

Jess:                      Right.

Megan:                I don’t want to waste their time and their money. Kind of fortunately for everyone, my programs are pretty expensive, so most of the time people are invested in doing it, but I still do have that. Oftentimes, I’ll have the conversation and people will be like, “Yeah, you’re right. It’s just not the time. I thought this was the time, but it’s not the time.” Then I’m happy to give them a refund for the portion that we haven’t used. Usually they’ll end up coming back six months or a year later and it’s better for everyone.

Jess:                      That’s awesome, yeah. I love that you give them a refund and you’re not just like, “Yeah, I’m going to keep this.”

Megan:                Yeah, yeah.

Jess:                      You’re helping build and keep that relationship.

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      No doesn’t mean no forever, sometimes it’s just a no for now.

Megan:                That’s right.

Jess:                      Yeah. I know in the health and wellness industry there are some people who are giving out some bad advice, let’s say. We’re kind of in this time where everyone is giving health advice. You’re like, “Whose a real health coach and whose a real … whose qualified to give these.” I’m curious how you deal with if there’s any regulations of what you say and do you have a lawyer on hand? Have you had to have a lawyer on hand to kind of deal with sticky situations?

Megan:                Yeah, so you’re right. I agree that there is so much information out there. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they’re doing it from a place of they really believe that, but it’s frankly quite scary to see some of the information out there these days. I am a person who really values education. We didn’t and don’t have to go into my background, but I just love education, and I’ll always be in school. My suggestions are always very science backed. That said, health coaching is a really widely unregulated industry, especially in Texas. There are some states that have more regulations, but in Texas we really don’t have anything. I just have to A, come at it from a place of authenticity and know that I’ve done my research, and that I have the studies, and everything, to back up what I’m saying if my clients would ask. Then, B, protect myself. You’re right about the legality of it.

Megan:                I do have each client sign a program agreement which basically says that I am not a doctor, I can’t prescribe proscription information, that your health is your own ultimate responsibility, things like that. I kind of won the genetic lottery, because my dad was a lifelong accountant and he’s now retired, so he helps me with accounting. My father in law is a lawyer, and he helps me with the legal aspect of it. He reviews my program agreement and gives me any legal advice that I need, but knock on wood, I have not had to actually use any, enable any of the program agreement restrictions or anything like that. I think it’s just still really nice to have it as a safeguard.

Jess:                      Oh absolutely. I mean, I have some clauses in my contracts that when I tell colleagues, like, “Oh well like I have this and that,” and they’re like, “Really?” I’m like, “Yeah,” and they’re like, “And people are okay with that?” I’m like, “Yeah, I mean I’m setting boundaries for myself, but it’s also to help keep them accountable, and protect them.

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      Like you, I luckily have never really had to enact any of those or deal with them, because my clients, much like yours, are invested. They’re like, “This is serious, and I’m going to show up and do the work, and be on time, because this is a big investment in my business.”

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      Yeah.

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      You mentioned education. On your website you do have some education resources that are for sale. I know, this is a question I get all the time, about how do I decide what to sell, and what to give for free? I’d just love to hear how you decided to sell some of your things and not.

Megan:                Yeah, I don’t have the perfect answer. I don’t know if there is a perfect answer.

Jess:                      No, I don’t think there is.

Megan:                Telling you about what I do, a lot of the things that I have for sale are webinars that I’ve done previously, and each of these webinars was free at the time. If you registered, you had two weeks to register, and if you registered, you got it for free. You got the recording, it was all good. Then after that two week period, I put them up for sale for like $5 on my website, so it’s certainly not a cash cow, but I do find that people are Googling for things like that, and they’re looking for a resource. They might have never heard of me, but they’re willing to invest a small amount, so that’s some of it. Another thing that I have for sale up there is a planner. It’s a physical product, it’s a paper product, so there are obviously costs for printing it, and shipping it, and all of that kind of stuff. That is obviously not free, it’s coming for a fee.

Jess:                      Yeah.

Megan:                Then I have some longer term health program and a business building program, that again, I’ve given away bits and pieces of that for free, but if you want the whole package, it comes with a fee. For me, I believe in giving a lot via Instagram and via the webinars. I use to do a lot of Facebook Lives, I don’t do a lot of Facebook Lives anymore, but just giving information. Then once they’ve kind of missed the boat, we can repurpose some of that stuff that we already have and put it up for sale.

Jess:                      Yes, and I think it’s super smart. This is something I see a lot in my kind of world, my genre, my industry, with repurposing webinars, and master classes, and making that available as a paid product. Sometimes people use it as an email opt in, there’s definitely ways to repurpose. I’m all about repurposing, so I love that. You also noted, you know, “I’ve given out like little pieces here and there, but I can save you time and have it all packaged, and boxed up, nicely, so you don’t have to like piecemeal it together over time.”

Megan:                Yes.

Jess:                      Like, “Here it is, all in one and it’s like just go through from A to Z, there you go.”

Megan:                That’s right.

Jess:                      That’s super smart.

Megan:                It’s for different people. I have some people, and I don’t think of them as freeloaders, I love them, but they are literally on every single free thing that I do, all the time. They’ve never bought anything. I believe they’re probably never going to buy anything from me, but that’s okay. That’s their thing. They’re willing to do the work, they’re active followers, and they’re building engagement. I have some people that would never jump on a live webinar at 3 pm on a Friday, or something like that, but they’re always willing to pay the $5, or whatever it is. It’s just about serving different people and the way that they want to be served.

Jess:                      Yeah, and I love that it’s only $5. That is such a low barrier to entry.

Megan:                Yeah.

Jess:                      You’re not over here like, “This is $500 to watch this web … ” You know? It’s like, “You just … a small, little investment in learning something.”

Megan:                That’s right.

Jess:                      Easily obtainable. That’s super cool that you have done that. I’d love to know what is one of the biggest myths that you encounter with people in regards to things they believed about working with a health coach. Like, “Oh, I heard … ” X, Y, Z, and how do you address that?

Megan:                Oh man, that’s a good one. I think the most common question I get asked is what are we going to talk about? Because people have always thought of a nutritionist, or a health coach, as I had you over the meal plan, and then you just go do it. My program is very different from that, so 50 minute sessions for up to 12 to 14 repeats of that, that’s a lot of talking. People never know what we’re going to cover. My perspective is that food is almost always emotional, right? Most of us know that salad is healthier than a funnel cake, or something like that, but there’s still reasons why we choose to eat the funnel cake. I told you, I eat chocolate every day, it’s not about being perfect, but there are emotional things to work through.

Megan:                There are lifestyle things, like if you are traveling, or if you’re a busy parent, or if you have crazy meetings all day, or whatever. There is education to be given, so I would rather just not tell you eat X, Y, Z, but teach you why that’s helping your body, so that once you go away from me, you can still make those healthy decisions, and still feel great. There’s experimentation, there like, “Okay, well this works for some people, but we might have to twist it for you,” or whatever. There just is a lot to talk about. We never run out of topics for that time, but most people don’t understand what we’re going to do during all of the sessions that they’re about to sign up for.

Jess:                      Yeah, yeah, and that totally makes sense, because it’s like you don’t know what you don’t know.

Megan:                Correct, exactly.

Jess:                      I know a little bit ago you mentioned that it is a big investment to work with you. Something that I’ve seen a lot in the health coaching industry, and honestly even just with dieticians, and personal trainers, is well, this is kind of a luxury investment in people’s lives, so they feel like they can’t charge more. That’s why they struggle to be profitable. I’d love to just hear how you came to charging higher and just your journey with that.

Megan:                Yeah, this so hard for me, because I love what I do. I always say, and I believe, I would do this for free. At the same time, it is a heck of a lot of work, and I believe so strongly in my value. I’ve gotten degrees and all this kind of stuff, and I’ve done over five thousand one on one coaching hours, so that really puts some skin in the game, and makes me worth charging a little bit more. I believe that. I have no qualms about saying that, but setting high prices, I second guess it all the time. It’s like, “Oh well, I want to serve anyone. I don’t want to just be able to serve the elite,” et cetera. For me, I do a couple things. I always have a scholarship client going, just to make myself feel good, and feel like I’m serving a variety of different people. I offer payment plans. I do things like that to make it accessible to more people.

Megan:                Then I also just help people understand that the alternative is a lot of sick care, we would rather invest in prevention, and feeling amazing, and doing this in a sustainable way, versus the $60 billion diet industry. There’s always going to be a new keto to try, or Whole30 to try, or diet pill to try, or you know, who knows what. Then, that some of those can come with long term health complications, et cetera, so I just help them understand the value of investing in themselves up front. Once they can see that I am invested in them, and I care about it, and I’m excited about it, and I’ve had client results, and testimonials, and all of that, I really find that most people find a way to make it work.

Jess:                      Yeah.

Megan:                Whether that’s through budgeting or just making the decision that they’re going to do it. They believe in the value too. It’s a win-win.

Jess:                      Yeah, I mean it makes sense. Social proof is so important, seeing those testimonials, and all that kind of stuff. I know I can just hear someone as they’re listening right now, and they’re like, “Okay that’s great, but how do I find these high paying clients? Because I somehow seem to attract all these low paying clients.” Have you had any specific strategy? Have you found some platform that works better than others?

Megan:                Yeah, so the true answer, but the frustrating one, is that client referrals are the best.

Jess:                      Yes.

Megan:                Once you find the pocket of client, like I had a year, 2016, where I was serving all mothers of third through fifth grade kids. I was like, “What is happening? This is not my specialty.” Then I realized, my name was just being passed amongst them. Once you find your people, then they will refer to more of those people. If you’re just starting out, I really cannot more highly recommend networking groups. I joined three networking groups that I went to consistently for a year and a half, two years. One of them that’s available on almost any place is Business Networking International, BNI. Then I just used Google, or MeetUp, or something to search in my area for other networking groups. What we did there was repeat the clients that we are looking to serve, and the value that we offer, over, and over, and over, which helped me articulate it better, and it helped develop the people on my networking group as referral sources. Then they knew what kind of people I was looking for and they were able to connect me with those other people as well.

Megan:                Then, I guess just being clear about it. When people set up an initial consultation, which is free, I respond right back to them with my program information, and pricing, and all of that. If they’re looking for a $20 investment, they know very clearly that it’s not … I’m not the right fit for them. I think those three things. The client referrals, networking, and just being clear about what your program offering is.

Jess:                      Yeah, and do you do anything to help with the client referrals? As you end the program are you like, “Okay, now don’t forget to … ” or do you do like a bonus, some kind of giveaway if you refer somebody?

Megan:                Yeah, I don’t think I do that as well as possible. I’ve been through various iterations. I use to give Amazon gift cards, because I love Amazon, and I thought that was a great gift. Then I listened to a podcast, or speaker, or something, that was like, “Never attach a dollar value to your referral because then people think, ‘oh, well that was only worth $50, or $25, or something.'” So I stopped doing that. Then I started doing nothing for a while. Now what I do is give them a complimentary session back. If they just finished their program, I remind them, “If you have any people that you think would be a great fit for me, I’m happy to offer you another check in session if and when they sign up and make the commitment.” That seems to work pretty well. People like being able to come back a year later and have a little check in, or something like that. That’s my current version. I’m not going to say it’s my forever version. I’m always experimenting.

Jess:                      Yeah, no, but I like it, because it’s simple. I think it is cool that they come back a year later, or whenever, and have that additional check in. I can totally see that being valuable with just, “Yeah, I can come back and kind of get a refresher. Just get back in the grove of things if I’ve gone off track a little bit.” I think that’s super. We don’t have to make it anything elaborate.

Megan:                Yeah.

Jess:                      You know? What kind of tools are you using in your business to stay organized, and all the tech, and platforms, because I know every business owner, there’s always … what do you use for X, Y, Z?

Megan:                Yeah. I am the biggest paper lover ever. I take notes on paper, and things like this, it’s pretty archaic, I guess? But I do use several tools. I use Mail Chimp for my newsletter, and my subscriptions, and things like that. Then I use Instapage for some opt ins, and just some general, what do you call those? Pages?

Jess:                      Like landing pages?

Megan:                Landing pages, there we go. Thank you tech guru. I’ll stay in my nutrition real. I use Instapage for that. I use Kajabi for some of my courses. I use Airtable, which I believe is kind of like Trolo, or some of these other ones. Airtable helps my team, the various people on my team, if I write a blog post, I’ll write it in Microsoft Word. I’ll upload it to Airtable. I’ll put the date. I’ll tag the person who is going to put it in WordPress. Things like that. It’s just kind of like content organizer. I use a lot of Google Sheets and Google Drive.

Jess:                      My Google Drive is a hot mess with so many different files.

Megan:                Yeah.

Jess:                      I love Google Drive.

Megan:                I love it too, I really do. I have one of my longest standing person on my team is a virtual assistant who lives in the Philippines, and she types out all my client follow up emails. I voice dictate them at the end of the session and I say, “Please insert these 10 recipes, and these hand outs,” and whatever, and then she types them up over night. I send them in the morning. She saves them as a draft. We do all that through Google Drive. It’s just amazing. It’s such a nice tool to have.

Jess:                      I love it.

Megan:                I think those are the main tools that we use.

Jess:                      I love it. You touched on your virtual assistant. What does the rest of your team look like?

Megan:                That’s Hannah, she has been with me for the longest. Then I have Payton who does more on the blog post, and she does some social media, she kind of keeps me organized. I have another Hannah, who started as a college intern, and now is trying to develop into … she’s shadowed me a few times, and she’s doing a little bit more of my client intake quizzes, and things like that. I have someone who takes pictures of food for me, Kendra.

Jess:                      Nice.

Megan:                Because photography is not my strong suit. Little bits and pieces of help here and there. I, right now, don’t have anyone that’s full time coaching.

Jess:                      Yeah, yeah.

Megan:                It’s something I’ve just been kind of kicking around for years, and years, and years, and have not let my control side go enough to do that. Maybe if you ask me next year, I will have a different looking team.

Jess:                      Yeah, but that’s awesome. I love just the little bits of help here and there. It doesn’t have to be like, “Okay, I’m gong to hire this employee, and you’re going to do all these things.” It’s just like outsource the little things as you can, and they can help just kind of clear y our schedule.

Megan:                Absolutely.

Jess:                      My last question for the health coaches that are listening right now. What kind of advice would you give them if they’re struggling to grow their business and they’re like, “I don’t know if I can do this. If I’m going to be profitable.” Would you give them any words of wisdom?

Megan:                Yes, two things. Number one is trite, but it has to be said. You’ve got to believe in yourself. I believed, truly, like no blowing smoke here, I really believed that I would make this business work. I believed that I could help people. I think that belief propelled me into just doing whatever it took to make it work. Do the work on yourself to really believe you have value to offer and really believe in yourself as a business owner first.

Megan:                Then the second one is a little bit what we said at the beginning, there’s not one magic bullet, so do the work. I sat there for a solid, I don’t know, three weeks at the beginning of the business just saying, “Holy moly, what should I do? Okay, I am in business, but what does that mean? Should I develop handout.” I literally did nothing. Then I realized that’s not helping. While I only did that for three weeks, some people do that for three years, right? Just take action. It doesn’t have to be the right thing. I have failed so many hundreds of times, and I think each failure I learned something. If I’m not failing, I’m probably not pushing hard enough. Just take action. It doesn’t have to be the right thing. Just do something.

Jess:                      I love it. Just show up.

Megan:                Yes, that’s right.

Jess:                      This was so awesome. I’d love for you to share where we can connect with you online and all that kind of fun stuff.

Megan:                Yes, absolutely. I am on Instagram, at The Lyons’ Share. It’s L-Y-O-N-S S-H-A-R-E. Also on Facebook at The Lyon’s Share. My website is If you’re interested in more of the business building side, I have a free webinar. This one is still free. You can access that at The Lyons Share … not The, just

Jess:                      Awesome, I will make sure to link to that in the show notes so you guys can check it out. Thank you so much for being here Megan.

Megan:                Thank you, I appreciate it Jess, have a great day.


I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.





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