Membership Website Must-Haves | 3 Things to Include

Setting up a membership soon? Make sure you have these 3 things on your website (or your sales page). 

Offering a membership may seem difficult, but you can easily create a membership site of your own, either with a dedicated membership website builder, a content management system that offers built-in membership functionality, or a plugin.

I used Thinkific for my membership, try it out with my affiliate link:


Welcome to The Work Your Wellness Biz podcast, a podcast for nutrition and fitness professionals. I’m your host Jess Freeman here to help you save time and look good online.

Today’s episode is sponsored by InMotion Hosting, launch your website for just $2.49/month with InMotion Hosting’s Core Plan. InMotion Hosting provides fast and reliable website hosting for businesses of any size all backed by the industry’s best money-back guarantee. Visit for more information.

Are you interested in setting up a membership for your business this year? If so, this video is for you, I’m going to give you three quick things you just need to make sure you have on your website before you launch.

If you’re new here, my name is Jess and I create videos for business owners like you to help you save time and look at online. And today. We’re talking all about membership websites. So let’s dive in.

The first thing is making sure you are outlining the benefits of your membership. A lot of people get stuck, especially if they’re writing their own copy. Get stuck in, hey, I have 27 videos and 16 PDFs, there are four modules join my membership.

That’s not what’s going to sell people because people are interested in results. They do not want 16 PDFs. I mean, they might want the 16 PDFs in theory, yes, because that’s going to help them reach their goals. But they want results.

That is what’s going to help sell them on your membership. So you want to be sure that you are talking about, you know, I leveraged these strategies to help you whatever lose weight, get clients, grow your business, pivot, start a business, whatever it is that you’re helping people with, don’t leave out the information about, hey, there’s, you know this many videos and PDFs and q&a calls and live calls.

People do want to know specifics on what’s included. But that’s not what’s going to help sell them. The next thing you want to make sure that you have on your website is a place where people can join your waitlist. Now, this may vary depending on your approach of how you sell your membership.

So some people take the Evergreen approach, you can join our membership at any time, that’s you can just join it any day. Some people do and open close carts, so they may only open registration two to four times a year.

And after those two weeks of an open cart, it’s closed. Some people make the mistake that when the cart is closed, you can’t join the membership. It just says like, Hey, can’t join sorry, like next time, you need to make sure you have a way for people to join your waitlist. And a waitlist is literally just getting on your email list.

So create a new form a new landing page, whatever that is, and link that on your sales page and say, Hey, registration opens. If you know the specifics, you can say in May or in the spring, whatever. And you’ll be notified once enrollment is open, then people can join, then they don’t have to try and remember to come back.

Or like I guess I’ll just kind of wait and see when Erica opens her membership again, you want to make sure that they can join that waitlist. Now, I would say even if you are an evergreen open, like if your membership is always open, you could still have a way to get on your email list. Now I would put this at the bottom of your sales page.

Don’t distract people from joining your membership by giving them a freebie. So put this freebie at the very, very bottom of your sales page and say, hey, look, are you not ready to join yet? Cool, I have this free guide that can help you, you know with the first few steps.

That way they still get on your email list. Maybe you could have an email sequence that kind of re sells and re pitches your membership again. But even if you don’t have an sequence, the next time you do like a special launch because even people who do evergreen enrollments sometimes still do like a special launch a few times a year with extra bonuses special pricing.

They would be on your email list and see those emails and be like okay, now I’m ready. Now’s a good time now I have the budget etc. And then they can join your email list. So basically have a way For people to join your email list so they can learn more about your membership.

And last, but certainly not least, make sure your website and the members area is mobile friendly. A lot of people, yes, their sales page may be mobile friendly, because their website, hopefully, nowadays is mobile friendly. But we want to make sure the members area is mobile friendly, because we’re on our phones so much.

So we want people to access that information. So look at the platform, some plugins you are thinking about using and see if they talk about it being mobile friendly. It might be on the sales page, it might be on their FAQ page, or you might need to reach out to the support, chat, support team, whatever and ask them about that.

A lot of times plugins nowadays are mobile friendly, because it’s 2022. So if you’re on WordPress, and you want to build your membership website on WordPress, that’s not a problem. But just be sure. Now, if you’re thinking about using a third party platform, that can vary. So like I know mighty networks is a popular platform.

They do have an app so people can join your membership, then download the app and access the whole community all the resources and education right there on their phone. It’s super nice. I have I’m in a few memberships that use mighty networks, the app is super nice.

Think if IK is another platform now a lot of people think of Thinkific just for courses, but they do have membership capabilities where you can just charge people on a recurring basis. So that’s an option. They don’t have an app, but their site is mobile friendly.

So people can just pull up the link to your membership and just access it through the browser on their phone. So not an app but still accessible on the phone. Of course these are not the only three things that you need on a membership website.

There are a lot of factors but these are three things that I really think a lot of people miss. So I wanted you to focus on these. If you are thinking about starting a membership. If you have questions, let me know down in the comments. If you have other website questions.

Want to see other videos on this topic? Let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do. If you enjoyed this video be sure and give it a thumbs up and I will see y’all next time.

I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.





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