Website Mistakes: What I Wish Y’all Would Stop Doing on Your Website

As a website designer, there are a few things I wish y’all would stop doing on your business website! ????

First mistake: the Home page. People LOOOOVE to clutter up their Home page with unnecessary fluff and way too many calls to action! Your Home page is not a catch-all, this is the welcome mat into your business.

I also hate when people say “Welcome! Take a look around” on their website. Remember that people come to your website with intention. They are looking for HELP!

Next, I hate looooong pages of text. It’s not the amount of copy, it’s that it lacks any design or visual interest. It feels like a textbook!

On the other hand, some people take the design too far and every page has different fonts and colors, and the site lacks any sense of cohesiveness. We want visual interest, but it needs to look professional.

I also really hate the “this is for you if…” and “this is not for you if….” sections when they aren’t actually good qualifying statements.

I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.