From No Website to 5,000 Keywords: Building The Family Nutritionist’s Online Presence

Alex is a dietitian and content creator dedicated to helping parents manage mealtime challenges with picky eaters. As a trusted expert in child nutrition, she partners with brands like Stony Field Organic, Danone, and The Egg Nutrition Center, creating engaging content for parents who look to her for nutrition advice.

Before working with me, Alex had no website to showcase her expertise, work with brands, or sell her courses. This lack of an online presence hindered her ability to expand her reach and monetize her services.

Web Design Project Overview

  • Initial Assessment: Well, there was no pre-existing website, only her Instagram profile; which limited her ability to work with brands and sell products.
  • Branding: Alex already had her own logo and color palette, so this was integrated into the website.
  • Offers: Alex wanted to keep it simple for people to buy products and her course, as well as for brands to inquire! We also wanted to make it easy for people to eventually contact her for services.
  • SEO: Without any website, there was no SEO… so we were starting from zero.

In short, the solution was to create a professional, easy-to-navigate website to increase reach and revenue. We wanted to emphasize Alex’s expertise and approachable style, ensuring zero judgment for parents.

The Family Nutritionist Website Strategy Plan

We wanted to setup The Family Nutritionist on Wordpress, so that she had more design customization options as well as more SEO tools. We wanted to make sure the website was clear and easy to navigate, since there were a few separate groups of offers: products, working with brands, and working with families. Previously, she just had a landing page linked on Instagram that had links to the products. But, that didn’t really allow her to really explain the value of the products and courses.

To help with clarity and SEO, we also made sure to have plenty of copy on the website. Google wants to make sure the websites they show in search results are authoritative and reputable, and often, having enough copy can really help with this! Alex also planned on blogging (which she is), so that would benefit her SEO efforts as well. Blog posts would also help link to and sell her digital products.

“The onboarding emails were not only a helpful reminder, but informational and gave me an idea of the process. I could do some of the website setup, but I just felt like it wasn’t going to be the best it could be! You are so organized and do things so quickly!” – Alex

Design Process

I setup Alex on Flywheel (aff link) for her Wordpress host, and we are using the Divi theme for this website. Here are some key elements I want to highlight on this website:

Illustrated Icons

Throughout the website, we utilized these fun black and yellow icons to create more visual interest. Alex already had these icons as part of her brand (on social and in her media kit), so incorporating them into the website made perfect sense. Icons are great to draw attention to certain items, or break up text.

Website Hover Effects

We also added in a few hover effects around the website! Sometimes website animations can be too cheesy, or overdone, but adding hover effects can also be a nice addition to the website. On the nutrition course sales page, each course module had its own row (as seen above), and when a person hovers, they enlarge just a bit.

Table of Contents for Blog Posts

One of Alex’s main reasons for the website was to blog and increase her SEO. She wanted to get more passive income from brand deals and affiliate links. And while not 100% necessary, we did install a Table of Contents Wordpress plugin, as well as a Recipe plugin. These plugins make it easier for people to navigate through the posts, as well as help Alex’s SEO!

Website Plugins Used:

  • WP Recipe Maker
  • CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent
  • Pinterest Pin It Button
  • Divi Booster
  • WooCommerce
  • Bloom
  • Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
  • Rank Math SEO (aff link)
  • WP Rocket (aff link)

Final Website Design Reveal

SEO Results

Since this was Alex’s first website, she was starting from scratch when it came to SEO. I optimized all of her pages, but it was up to her to start blogging. Since the launch of her website, Alex’s website SEO has seen a dramatic increase in visibility, ranking for nearly 5,000 keywords!

Organic traffic chart
Estimated organic traffic
SEO keywords chart
Number of keywords

As of this posting (July 2024), Alex shows in the top 3 results 111 times, and has 259 SERP features!

If you’re ready to transform your website and boost your online presence, contact me to see how I can help.

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