Top Website Mistakes to Avoid — Business Owners Beware!

Are you a DIY enthusiast, taking the plunge into building your own website instead of hiring a designer? If so, this blog post is tailor-made for you! We’re going to dive into four common website mistakes that many DIYers make when embarking on their web design and branding journey. From over-reliance on default theme fonts and colors to forgetting to upload a favicon, we’ll not only highlight these errors but also provide practical solutions to fix them. Don’t let these simple missteps derail your DIY journey. Read on and learn how to create a more professional and polished online presence for your brand.

Embrace the DIY Spirit, But Avoid Looking Amateurish

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with DIYing your website or your logo. We’ve all been there, we all have to start somewhere. However, the goal is not to look like you have DIYed your website or your logo.

In this post, we’re going to expose four mistakes that we often see DIY enthusiasts making, and we’ll provide you with the right strategies to avoid them.

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Website Mistake #1: Over-reliance on Default Theme Fonts and Colors

First on the list is the overuse of the default theme with its fonts and colors. This is a common sight, especially with platforms like Squarespace. While Squarespace is a fantastic platform, many of its users simply choose a template, install it, and stick with the pre-selected fonts and colors.

While an average visitor might not notice that these are the default theme settings, that’s not the real issue. The problem lies in the fact that these default theme settings might not actually fit your brand. So, instead of just using the default settings, consider customizing them to match your brand’s personality.

Solution: Customize Your Theme

If you don’t have a color palette, you can visit to find one, or you can search for color palettes on Pinterest. If you have a specific color scheme in mind, you can search for that too. Once you’ve found a color palette that resonates with your brand, implement it on your website.

The same goes for fonts. You can look up good font combinations on Pinterest or other design blogs. There are numerous resources available to provide you with font combination ideas, and you can look specifically for combinations that work well with the platform you’re using.

Website Mistake #2: Forgetting to Remove Default Posts and Pages

The next common mistake is forgetting to remove the default posts and pages that come when you set up a new website, especially on WordPress.

Solution: Delete Default Posts and Pages

The solution here is simple: make sure you delete these default posts and pages. This is also important from an SEO perspective, as these posts and pages can show up in Google Search. It’s not likely, but it can happen, and it has happened to some of my clients. So, make sure you delete these before you launch your website.

Website Mistake #3: Neglecting to Upload a Favicon

The third mistake is a small detail, but it’s still important: forgetting to upload a favicon. A favicon is that little icon that appears in the browser tab. If you don’t customize it, it’s just a black box on Squarespace, or the WordPress logo if you’re using Wordpress.

Solution: Customize Your Favicon

You can customize this to match your brand. If you had a professional designer create your logo and your brand identity, they may have given you a favicon to upload. If you don’t have a favicon from a designer, you can create one easily on Canva. Just select a square template, use a circle or square, and then put the first initial of your brand, your business name, or your name. Upload that, and you’re good to go. We just want something custom to you, not the default favicon.

Website Mistake #4: Using Default Canva Logo Templates

The final mistake we’ll discuss is using those default Canva logo templates. If you’re going to use Canva and one of their logo templates, scroll past the first few because everyone is using those.

Solution: Customize Your Logo

You can customize it a bit, change the fonts, use a different color than the template, or you can also just Google logo generators. There are other logo generators out there besides Canva. Lastly, a really simple option is just to type your name out in a font. Logos nowadays are pretty simple. So if you just want to start simple and elevate your logo later in the future, that’s totally fine.

The Recurring Theme: Avoid Default Settings

The recurring theme here is to avoid using default theme settings. Even if it’s just changing the fonts and leaving the colors or vice versa, you really want to make sure that your website and your logo fit your brand and your brand personality. What works for a lawyer’s office doesn’t work for a pediatric doctor’s office and vice versa.

Customizing things to fit your brand will help you connect better with your audience and make you look more professional.


Now, if you have questions about anything we’ve talked about, feel free to leave a comment below. If you have other topics that you want to hear from us about customizing your website or your logo, also let us know. We hope you found this guide helpful in avoiding common website mistakes. Remember, the key to a successful DIY journey in web design and branding is learning, adapting, and always striving for improvement.

I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.





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