15 Best Dietitian Website Examples

As a business owner, your dietitian website should be one of the top sources of new patients and clients for your private practice. If it’s not, learn how to improve your website following the 15 examples shown in this post.

You might also like my post about fighting health misinformation online.

But, first, quickly: what makes a great dietitian website?

When putting together this list of great dietitian website examples, there were a few things I looked at:

How does it look? As a web designer, this is usually the first thing that catches my eye. How do they use their color palette, how is the layout, do they have good photos, and so on. I’ll be covering some of these principles with the examples below.

How does it work? I’m a big believer that form is usually more important than function. Design is not the ONLY goal. Does the site load fast? Is the text legible? Do things actually WORK on the site? Functionality is key to convert website visitors into clients.

Does it make sense? A big mistake I see in a lot of dietitian websites is people being too vague in their copy and what they do. To capture the visitor’s attention, we need the site to be engaging and clear. This usually comes down to clear messaging and copy, but also layout.

I offer full website design or simple one-page websites, both include SEO and tutorials on how to manage your own website without any ongoing fees with me. Learn more here!

15 examples of great dietitian websites

FYI, these are in NO particular order! A few of these are clients of mine, so if you’re interested in getting your own website re-done (or built from scratch), I’d love to design a website for you!

Melissa Landry Nutrition

Dietitian website

Melissa Landry is a registered dietitian nutritionist and food freedom expert who helps women in bigger bodies find food freedom, and enjoy food without guilt. Melissa’s site is bright and cheery, while only utilizing two colors! This is a great example of having a colorful and bright site, without needing 5-6 different colors across the website.

Website: Melissa Landry Nutrition

Truly Real Nutrition

Ayana Habtemariam is a nutrition therapist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and macro social worker. What’s unique about her website is that it’s a (mostly) one-page website! (She has a blog, so that’s what technically makes it more than one page.) Ayana’s website is a great example of how one-page websites don’t have to be boring. She utilizes some light illustration backgrounds, great photos, and even a video of her!

Website: Truly Real Nutrition

Plant Centered Nutrition

Ashley Kitchens is a registered dietitian nutritionist and virtual nutrition coach who helps people transform their relationship with food. Ashley’s site utilizes strong outlines, texture, and illustrations. What you’ll also notice is a nice big video on the Home page! This is a great way to add some pizzazz to your website, even if it’s only on one page. I’d love to also point out her amazing photos across the site – both of her and the food.

Website: Plant Centered Nutrition

Nutrition Moderation

Alexandra King is a hormone nutritionist who helps women deal with the side effects of their birth control and balance their hormones. Alexandra’s site really only has 1-2 colors (both being pink), so this is a great example if you’re not someone who loves having a ton of colors on your website. Having minimal colors can actually make your site feel overall more cohesive! And while not all women love pink, this color does fit her brand well, since she exclusively works with women.

Website: Nutrition Moderation

The Hormone Dietitian

Dietitian website

Melissa Groves Azzaro is a registered dietitian who uses a functional medicine approach to help women figure out the root causes of their symptoms. Melissa’s brand and website has a more luxurious feel, which is heavily influenced by the fonts and colors of her website. The serif font, the metallic texture, and the black and white color palette all give her brand this more elevated feel. Keep that in mind when you consider what you want your brand personality to be!

Website: The Hormone Dietitian

Street Smart Nutrition

Cara Harbstreet is an intuitive eating registered dietitian and nationally-recognized food and nutrition expert. Cara doesn’t work with patients 1:1 anymore, but focuses her time on partnering with brands and corporations to create nutrition content. But, her website doesn’t feel like “just a blog” like many blogger websites do. Her site is simple, yet elegant. I wanted to highlight her site, not just for the design and layout, but because you may also be someone who doesn’t want to work 1:1 with people!

Website: Street Smart Nutrition

Colleen Webb Nutrition

Colleen Webb is a registered dietitian who specializes in working with people with inflammatory bowel disease. But, she’s not just someone who works 1:1 with clients. Colleen also does a lot of writing and media interviews, and also has resources for other dietitians. Even with all of these things going on, her site is simple and streamlined. Plus, her color scheme is very calming. This is another example of how the photos and colors you use influence the brand personality!

Website: Colleen Webb Nutrition

Methodd Nutrition

Dietitian website

Gabi Kahn is a registered dietitian who helps moms find peace in their relationships with food and learn to love their bodies. Gabi’s site is simple and modern, a fantastic example of someone doing one thing, and one thing WELL. Gabi only helps moms, and only has one way to work with her, so the site makes it clear what she wants you to do. Just because you have one offer doesn’t mean your dietitian website has to be boring!

Website: Methodd Nutrition


Dietitian website

Natalie Rizzo is an NYC-based registered dietitian who helps athletes fuel their fitness and maximize their performance. Natalie is another example of someone who doesn’t work with clients, but has resources available for athletes in the form of courses, ebooks, and her podcast. She also does a lot of media appearances and writing! What I want to note here is the dynamic designs across the site (especially shown here in the screenshot) that really convey movement, which fits nicely since she helps athletes!

Website: Greenletes

Culina Health

Culina Health is a practice co-run by registered dietitians Tamar Samuels and Vanessa Rissetto. This site is so clean and beautiful, but what I want to really point out is the brush strokes used throughout the site (as you can see to the left of the image in the screenshot). It’s a simple texture but used around the site here and there. This gives the site a more cohesive feel, without overdoing it.

Website: Culina Health

The Tasty Balance

Ariel Johnston is a registered dietitian who helps women who struggle with disordered eating. Ariel’s website is a perfect combination of illustrations and a calm color palette, while still using a good amount of color across the website! It’s professional and fun without being loud or overwhelming. Design is always a balancing act! (Just imagine how different the brand would feel if they used bold or neon colors!)

Website: The Tasty Balance

Alix Turoff Nutrition

Alix Turoff is a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and virtual nutrition coach who offers both 1:1 coaching and group coaching. Alix’s site is one that has been brought to my attention numerous times as an inspiration to my clients who want a bolder, more colorful website. This is definitely a dietitian website to check out if you want something more fun and bold!

Website: Alix Turoff Nutrition

Side by Side Nutrition

Jamie Magdic is a registered dietitian and the founder of Side by Side Nutrition––a HAES, weight-inclusive group of registered dietitians. I wanted to highlight this website, not only because of the great design, but because it’s an example of a site that does not majorly feature the dietitian(s). As the business owner, you don’t have to be front and center in the photos on every page, especially if you’re more of a team, and it’s not just you!

Website: Side by Side Nutrition

The Healthy Shine

Starla Garcia is a registered dietitian, Olympic Trials marathoner, and body and cultural diversity advocate. Starla works with runners and athletes to help improve their relationship with food. The site features two main colors (blue and orange), and some light illustration work. The photos that Starla uses really match her audience, as they feature her doing a lot of running (and cooking). Photos are SO important for a great dietitian website!

Website: The Healthy Shine

Nutrition by Robyn

Robyn Johnson is a functional medicine dietitian and health strategist who helps women get to the root cause of their hormone and skin problems. Robyn’s site is so clean, modern, and elegant. With so many examples in this post with illustrations, I loved how simple this dietitian website compares to the others. Robyn’s site is a great example of how you can have a simple site without it *just* being text and photos. Small design elements are sometimes all you need.

Website: Nutrition by Robyn

Thinking about a dietitian website redesign?

I’d love to help you create a dietitian website that perfectly reflects you as a dietitian, and helps grow your private practice. You can check out my portfolio, or my client testimonials. I also have a post with resources on creating your own dietitian website!

I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.





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