How I Post My Youtube Videos to Automatically

I’m a business owner, who also happens to use YouTube to market my business, and today I’m going to share one strategy I’ve used to get more views on my videos – posting my YouTube videos on Wordpress.

Now, I need to share some backstory about my content and how I used to share it. Phase one, when I first started my YouTube channel, was posting a blog post on Monday, and then on Wednesday I would do a mini blog post for my video, which was basically just a paragraph or two, and then my video embedded.

I had been blogging twice per week at that point, and decided to cut one blog post, and replace it with my YouTube video. I wanted to make sure my videos were being seen, just like I do now, so that’s why I did the mini blog post.

Phase two of my content was keeping my weekly blog post, but instead of doing the mini blog post for my video, I embedded my video in each week’s blog. Instead of making each video just a reiteration of the blog, I made it related content. For example, it could have been a blog post about why I love Divi for Wordpress, and then a Divi video tutorial.

Part of why I did this was to save a little bit of time in not having to create two separate posts. But, I also hoped that it would help drive more traffic to my videos. At that time, more of my audience was into blogs instead of videos. So, I thought by sending them to the blog post that also had my video, that would peak their interest enough to also watch the video. And to be honest, it did work!

Then finally, there was phase three, which is where I’m at now. I decided to stop blogging in 2019, but wanted to make sure my YouTube videos were still available on my website, and I’ll talk about why this was important to me in just a moment.


But, to be honest, I didn’t want to do this process manually. Being the tech nerd that I am, I thought, surely there’s gotta be a way for me to automate this process. After doing some research and trying out a few different things, especially looking at IFTTT and Zapier, to see if there was an automation that would work. If you look, it might seem like there was that option available, but it’s actually only for sites, not

Finally, I found that the Automatic Video Posts Wordpress plugin works like a charm with YouTube videos.

You install the plugin, follow their instructions on how to connect it to your YouTube account, and it will start posting YouTube videos to Wordpress (creating the blog posts for you!). Literally, that is it. You set it up and it takes care of the rest.

And fun fact, I do the same for my podcast as well. I use Audioboom as my podcast host, and it has a feature that allows you to have each podcast episode automatically posted as a Wordpress blog post. Then, I get the podcast transcribed and paste that into the blog post.

Now, back to the YouTube videos, and why I wanted them on my website… why I went on this long search to get YouTube videos on Wordpress efficiently.

Video content is evidence of quality content, and as part of a mix of media on a site, it helps send more data signals to Google that your page or site contains rich media. The more and more that video content gains popularity, and becomes more relevant, I think the more that Google will look at videos on websites.

Having a video on your site, or multiple videos, can also help lower your bounce rate – which is another factor that contributes to your ranking. Research shows that people spend over twice as long on a page with a video than without a video – which is why it’s also great to have sales videos on your site as well.

So all of that to say, that the SEO benefit is one big reason that I wanted to post my videos on my website. Just because I’m not blogging doesn’t mean I can’t still boost my SEO. I focus a lot on optimizing my videos for YouTube search, but clearly, adding this content to my site can be beneficial as well.

The other reason I want my YouTube videos on Wordpress is for my potential clients. If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos (which if you haven’t, head over to to watch some), but if you’ve watched any, you’ll know that I don’t just sit there and pitch my services during the videos. But, video content is great for building the know, like, and trust factor.

And on top of that, Neil Patel did some research and found that product videos can increase purchases by 144%. (Source: Now, again, my videos are not product videos per say, but my product is digital so that’s harder to show. But in a roundabout way, they are demonstrating my knowledge and showing the importance of a good brand. And by mentioning my services or even my free downloads, that can help increase my conversion rate.

So, my YouTube videos are not on my sales pages exactly, but you can find them on my website easily. I think it’s important that my potential clients can see this content that I’m producing, because honestly, just because I have a little YouTube icon on my site doesn’t mean that someone is necessarily going to click on it and go watch videos. They’re more likely to watch and engage with that video content when it’s right there – because it saves them a few steps.

I want to encourage you to think about your content and where it can be seen online. Are you blogging and not sharing it on social media over and over? Are you podcasting and not getting it transcribed? Are you creating videos and not sharing them on your website? This isn’t about posting podcasts on YouTube or posting videos on both YouTube and Facebook, and it’s not just plastering any piece of content everywhere possible. But it’s being smart about making sure people are aware of your content.

I think this episode is also a good reminder to do your research about ways you can save time! Look into IFTTT or Zapier and see if they can save you time by automating things. Look into new plugins, new software, new apps. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. Make it better.

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I build high-impact websites for health pros so they can spend less time on social.





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